Temperature and Humidity Sensors

Showing all 6 results

10k NTC Temperature Sensor (1mm)

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SKU: NSM0007
NTC (Negative Temperature Coefficient) is an analog Temperature Sensor that varies its resistance in accordance with temperature.

10k NTC Temperature Sensor (5mm)

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SKU: NSM0008
NTC (Negative Temperature Coefficient) is an analog Temperature Sensor that varies its resistance in accordance with temperature.

DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Sensor

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SKU: NSM0001
DHT11 is a cost-effective digital Temperature and Humidity Sensor. It uses an NTC thermistor to measure the temperature and a capacitive humidity sensor.

DS18B20 Waterproof Temperature Sensor

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SKU: NSM0006
DS18B20 is a waterproof digital Temperature Sensor that provides accurate temperature readings.

K-Type Thermocouple Sensor with MAX6675 Module

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SKU: NSM0004
The K-type Thermocouple sensor comes with the MAX6675 Module that measures the temperature up to 1024°C

LM35 Temperature Sensor

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SKU: NSM0003
LM35 is an analog Temperature Sensor that gives linear output analog voltage proportional to temperature.